Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rita Carroll

Rita was born and raised in Roanoke, VA.  She and her husband, Steve, along with their two children, moved to Alabama in 1970 as the result of a company transfer.  Over a period of twenty-nine years they lived in a number of cities throughout the United States.  While living away, Rita painted as often as possible while raising their two children.  Initially she had no formal training in art and testifies that any talent she has is God given and she continues to give Him the credit.  Wanting to enhance her talent she took classes from individuals and through local community school programs.  Having never lost their love of the beautiful mountains, she and her husband returned to Roanoke in 1999 and currently live in Botetourt County.  Never losing her passion for painting and her desire to grow as an artist, Rita continues participating in workshops, individual instructions as well as classes at The Studio School.  Her favorite mediums are watercolors and oils.  If asked what her favoring painting is, Rita's response is "whatever I'm currently working on".